Five...Not Given To Any Prophet Before Me

Thursday, April 29, 2010

' The Messenger (salAllaahu alayhi wa salam) was given five matters that no other Prophet or Messenger was given:
Jaabir (radiAllaahu anhu) - and others - related that the Messenger of Allaah (salAllaahu alayhi wa salam) said :
'I have been given five (matters) that were not given to any Prophet before me:

1. I have been made victorious with terror for the distance of one month
(i.e. Those who are one months' travelling distance from him, in terms of his enemies, are terrified to battle him);

2. Spoils of war have been made lawful for me, whereas they were not made lawful for anyone before me;

3. The Earth was made as a Masjid for me and (it was made) pure (for me and my nation), so if prayer arrives for any man from my Nation, then let him pray (wherever he happens to be);

4. I have been given the intercession (ash-shifaa'a);

5. And whereas a Prophet would be sent to his people, I have been send to the people in general (to all of mankind).'

Related in : Bukhaaree and Muslim


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