The Strangeness of the Strangers

Saturday, November 28, 2009

al-Fudayl bin ‘Iyyad said:

“Stick to the path of guidance, and do not be hurt by the small number of people who take this path, and beware of the path of misguidance, and do not be fooled by the large number of people who destroy themselves on this path.”

['Uluww al-Himmah: pg. 41]


Sufyan bin ‘Uyaynah said:

“Traverse the paths of the truth, and do not be discouraged by the small number of people who do the same.”
['Uluww al-Himmah: pg. 41]


Dr. Muhammad Ahmad ar-Rashid said:

“As for the strangeness of the strangers mentioned in the hadith: “…glad tidings for the strangers,” then this is a strangeness in relation to the reality around a person. Meaning, glad tidings to them because of the rarity of such people, and their small number within the ocean of misguidance. As for the world of emotions and feelings, then the single believer has, in his belief, a close friend and companion that relieves the feeling of strangeness.
[al-Muntalaq'`: pg. 236]


Ibn al-Qayyim said:

“[Such a person] does not become disheartened by those who differ from and oppose him, as they are lesser in importance and significance, even if they might be greater in number, as some of the Salaf said: “Traverse the paths of the truth, and do not be discouraged by the small number of people who do the same.”
Every time you feel disheartened by your being alone on this path, then look to those who came before you and strive to catch up with them, and turn away from everyone else, as they will not benefit you in the least with Allah. If you happen to see them somewhere along the path that you are upon, then do not turn to look at them, for if you do so, they will distract you and simply delay your progress.”
[Madarij as-Salikeen: 1/21]

Not In My Land..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My fortress is when I am shaken by a wave of afflictions
And patience is my provision in the severity of trials

So let them demolish my house,
my house built of mud

Or a tent woven
from the December wind

I will continue to rain on them
the lava of volcanoes

And my Anger makes them taste
humiliation and disgrace

They will not live in my land
for me to be inferior

So let them spill my blood
for it to flow on the Earth

They will never rest in the place of purity
We will erupt like a volcano and burn like coals

O nation of disbelief!
With your red infidels!

We shall never be pleased
with humiliation and repression

O People of Islaam! Are There Any Helpers for the Muslims??!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Ya Akhawaati ! I advise us all to wake up from this deep slumber we have let take over our souls so that we may know the reality of the conditions of the Muslims all over the world. WALLLAHI ya akhawaati, our brothers and sisters are in a grave condition and  we will be asked about what we did for them on Yaum al-Qiyaamah! Wallahi akhawaati, prepare yourselves for a grievious Day, a Day when every thing big or small will be brought to light and Allah subhaana wa ta'aala will ask us about our deeds and how we helped His ibaadi in this dunyah and how we helped to improve their condition.

 He subhaana wa ta'aala will ask us many things and subhanAllah, the condition of the Muslims is one of many. I urge you all (and I remind myself first before all others) to consistently enjoin the good and forbid the evil and help bring to light the evils of the deviated sects. WALLAHI there are those that say they have caused no harm to Ahlul Sunnah but the battle between the Haqq and Baatil has never stopped so again ya akhawaati, I encourage you to do anything you can (the very least being making duaa' for our brothers and sisters) being beaten, tortured, burned alive only because they said Allah is their Lord, Muhammad is His Nabi and because they are PLEASED with his Companions (radiAlalhu Anhum)! In this regard, Im talking about the evil shi'aa who constantly mock and abuse the Companions, wa iyaadhu billah, as well as take prisoners from Ahlul Sunnah and demand that they follow on their sick and deviated path. Akhawaatina, it has now become obligatory upon you to pass on the message for wallahi our brothers, sisters and kids are suffering at the hands of the disgusting Munaafiqeen. Please watch this video and I ask Allah to make what we benefit for us and not against us on the Day of Reckoning.

Ya Allah! We ask You by Your Beautiful names that You have named yourself with, taught Your Creation or kept with Yourself in the Ghaib to recify the affairs of the Muslimeen all over the World! I ask You to place love and unity in our hearts so that when a part of the Ummah suffers, the rest of the Ummah runs to help it recover! Ya Allah, verily, Your Word is the Truth and You Have said : "Call on Me and I shall Answer You" Ya Allah! Answer our duaa' verily you are the Hearer/Answerer of the Duaa'.

Allahuma Ameeen Ameeen Thumma Ameeen Ya Rabb al-Alaameen!

Al-Hajjaj & Hattit

Friday, November 20, 2009

al-Ghazzali related in ‘Ihya’ ‘Ulum ad-Din’ (5/45):

Hattit az-Zayyat went to al-Hajjaj and when he entered, al-Hajjaj said to him: “You are Hattit?”

He answered: “Yes. Ask me what you want, as I have made a pact with Allah at the

Maqam of Ibrahim that I would do three things:

i) I will speak the truth if I am asked a question,
 ii) I will remain patient if I am tested and
 iii) I will be thankful if I am spared.”

So, al-Hajjaj said to him: “What do you think of me?”

Hattit replied: “You are from the enemies of Allah on Earth. You violate honor and kill based on suspicion.”

al-Hajjaj then asked him: “What do you say about ‘Abd al-Malik bin Marwan?”

Hattit replied: “He is worse than you, and you are simply one of his many mistakes.”

al-Hajjaj then ordered that he be tortured, and he was then beaten with sticks and had his flesh stretched out with them until it was torn.

His torturers didn’t hear him say anything, and they said to al-Hajjaj: “He is near death!”

So, al-Hajjaj said: “Let him go and throw him out into the marketplace.”

 So, Ja’far (a friend of his) went to Hattit and said: “Hattit, do you want me to get you anything?”

He said: “A drink of water.”

So, the water was brought to him and he died, and he was only eighteen years old.

How Are You Today?

It was related from Al-Marroodhee that he asked (Al-Imaam) Ahmad:
How are you today (lit. How is your morning)?

He replied:

How can one’s day be while he is required by his Lord to perform obligatory acts of worship?
(How can one’s day be while) his Prophet is calling him to practice the Sunnah?
(How can one’s day be while) two angels are requiring from him to correct his deeds?
(How can one’s day be while) his nafs urges him to follow its desires?
(How can one’s day be while) Iblees is beckoning him to commit all types of indecent, evil deeds?
(How can one’s day be while) the Angel of Death is observing him (waiting) to take his soul?
(How can one’s day be while) his dependants are asking him to provide them with maintenance?
Taken from Siyaar A'laamin Nubalaa by Al-Imaam adh-Dhahaabee; volume 11/227
Translated by Dawud Adib

...Would You Fear A Fly?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ibn Qayyim said in his ‘Nuniyah’:

Openly proclaim what Allah commanded, and don’t fear the worthless instead of Allah * And fear only

Him, and you will succeed in safety;

And give victory to the Book of Allah and the traditions * That came from the one sent with the Qur’an;

And strike every denier with the sword of Revelation * Just like the Mujahid would strike over the fingertips;

And carry on with truthful zeal * The way of the sincere and brave who are dedicated to Allah;

And remain firm with patience under the banner of guidance * And if you are harmed in the process, it is for

the Pleasure of the Merciful;

And make the Book of Allah and authentic traditions your weapons * And strengthen your soul;

Who will fight and present himself * Or compete on the fields?

Openly preach what the Messenger came with * And do not fear the lack of helpers;

As Allah will give victory to His Religion and Book * And Allah is sufficient to protect His slave;

And do not fear the plots of the enemy * As they only fight using lies and falsehood;

The soldiers of the Messenger’s followers are Angels * And their soldiers are the army of Satan;

What a difference there is between the two groups * Whoever is confused should just compare them both;

Be firm and fight under the banner of guidance * And be patient, as the victory of Allah, your Lord, is near;

As Allah will give victory to His Religion and Book * And His Messenger with knowledge and authority;

And truth is a pillar that none can demolish * Even if everyone gathered to do so;

And if your opponents become many and overwhelm you * Stay firm, as their power is like smoke;

It rises up and afterwards * Is blown away to where the eye cannot see;

Do not fear their large numbers, as they are worthless and like flies * Would you fear a fly?

And do not be pleased with the leadership of the cow * Whose leaders are themselves oxen;

And if they intend, they will come against you * So, do not act shocked or cowardly if they do so;

And remain firm and do not carry on without support* As this is not praiseworthy with the brave;

Even though the group of Allah fights with their righteous actions * Not a battalion of the brave;

By Allah, they did not conquer lands due to their numbers * Their numbers were not noticeable;

So, if you see the group of Islam * With its cavalry side by side with those in authority;

In such a case, enter their ranks * And do not be lazy or fluttered;

The Truth will be aided and tested * So, do not be surprised, as this is the pattern of the Merciful;

This is how His group will be distinguished from His enemies * And this is why the people are two groups;

And this is why the Messengers fought the disbelievers * Since this rag-tag group first existed;

However, the good end will be for the people of Truth * If it doesn’t come here, it will come later from the Rewarder

..Would You Fear A Fly?

Ibn Qayyim (Rahimahullahu ta'aala) said in his book ‘Ighathat al-Lahfan’:

“From the plots of the enemy of Allah (i.e. Shaytaan) is that he makes the believers afraid of his soldiers and allies.
So, they do not strive against them, they do not enjoin what is good, and
do not forbid what is bad.
This is from his greatest plots for the believers, as Allah has
informed us by Saying:
[“It is only Shaytaan that suggests to you the fear of his allies. So, do not fear them, and fear Me if you are believers.”]
[Surah Al ‘Imran: 175]


Abu ad-Dardaa would say: “Fast the very hot days in anticipation of the Day of Resurrection, and pray two rak’at in the darkness of night in anticipation of the darkness of the grave.”

..& I Have Accepted The Invitation

And Al-Hajjaj was on a journey between Makkah and Madinah.
 He pulled out his dinner and invited a bedouin to eat with him and the bedouin said:
 “I have been invited by One who is better than you and I have accepted the invitation.”
He asked: “And who is this?”
The man replied: “Allah invited me to fast, and I fasted.”
 Al-Hajjaj asked: “On this very hot day?”
The man replied: “Yes. I am fasting it in anticipation of a much hotter day.”
al-Hajjaj said: “So, eat today and fast tomorrow.”
The man replied: “Only if you can guarantee that I will live until tomorrow.”
al-Hajjaj said: “This isn’t in my hands.”
The man said: “How can you ask me to do something now when there is something of the future that isn’t in your hands?”

The Day He Married You To Me..

Al-Hasan Al-Basri said:

“A maiden of Paradise will speak to the wali of Allah while he is laying with her on the shore of a river of honey in Paradise while she hands him a glass of the sweetest drink, and she will ask him: “Do you know what day Allah married me to you? He Saw you on a long summer day while you were thirsty in the mid-day heat, and He called the Angels and Said: “Look at My slave. He has left his wife and pleasure and food and drink for Me out of his desire for what I have for him. Bear witness that I have Forgiven him,” and He Forgave you on that day and married you to me.”"

In The Intense Heat..

And al-Qasim bin Muhammad said that A’ishah (radiAllahu 'anhaa) would fast in the intense heat and he was asked: “What drove her to do this?”
 He replied: “She would take advantage of the days before death.”
And some of the righteous women would choose the hottest days and fast them, saying: “If the price is low, everyone will buy,” meaning that she wanted to do those actions that only a few were capable of, due to how hard it was to do them and this is indicative of the high aspirations these women had.

Between You & Allah Is Me

He was known as Abu Hamdun ad-Dallal.
He was one of the well known recitors and was known for his righteousness and abstinence from worldly pleasures.

He learned to recite from al-Kisa’i and Ya’qub al-Hadrami.
Abu al-’Abbas Ahmad bin Masruq narrated:
“I heard the recitor Abu Hamdun say:

“I prayed at night one time, so I accidentally mispronounced a letter from the Qur’an.

 I lifted my eyes to see a light in front of me, saying to me: “Between you and Allah is me.”
So, I asked: “And who are you?”
It said: “I am the letter that you mispronounced."

I said: “I will never do so again.”
So, I continued reciting, and I never mispronounced a letter after that again.”"

Over Eighty Lashes...

Shabat (one of Ahmad’s torturers who later repented) said:
“I whipped Ahmad bin Hambal with over eighty lashes. If I had struck an elephant with these lashes, they would have caused it to collapse.
['Manaqib al-Imam Ahmad'; p. 157]

One of the Oppressors

When Ahmad bin Hambal was imprisoned, one of the prison guards came to him and asked him:
“O Abu 'Abdillah! The hadith that is narrated regarding the oppressors and those that aid them – is it authentic?”
He said: “Yes.”
The prison guard then said: “So, I am considered to be an aide of the oppressors?”
Imam Ahmad replied: “No. The aides of the oppressors are those that comb your hair, and wash your clothes, and prepare your meals, and buy and sell from you.

As for you, then you are one of the oppressors themselves.”

['Manaqib al-Imam Ahmad:' p. 397]

Between A Deed & The Heart..

Ibn al-Qayyim said in one of his works:

فبين العمل وبين القلب مسافة وفي تلك المسافة قطاع تمنع وصول العمل إلى القلب, فيكون الرجل كثير العمل وما وصل منه إلى قلبه محبة ولا خوف ولا رجاء ولا زهد في الدنيا ولا رغبة في الآخرة ولا نور يفرق بين أولياء الله وأعدائه وبين الحق والباطل, ولا قوة في أمره فلو وصل أثر الأعمال إلى قلبه لاستنار وأشرق ورأى الحق والباطل وميز بين أولياء الله وأعدائه
‘There is a distance between a deed and the heart. Along that distance are certain obstacles which prevent a deed from reaching the heart so it is the case that a man may perform many good deeds but nothing reaches his heart of love, fear and hope (of Allah), detachment from this world or hope and yearning for the Hereafter. He does not possess a light whereby he can distinguish between the people of Allah and the enemies of Allah, between truth and falsehood and there is no strength to him. If the affects of good deeds had reached his heart, then his heart would have shone and sprung forth, he would have seen truth and falsehood for what they really are and he would have had the ability to distinguish between the people/friends of Allah and between His enemies.’


Abu Hurayrah: The Messenger of Allah (salAllahu 'alayhi wa salam) said, ‘Guard your affairs by concealing your secrets, for indeed every blessing has one who will envy it.’
[Majma' al-Tabarani]
‘Amr ibn al-’Aas said, ‘I’m surprised at a man who flees from the Qadr (Decree) when it is only going to befall him and a man who sees the dust in his brother’s eye while he is oblivious to the chunk that is in his. And I am amazed at a man who removes grudges and malice from others but leaves it within himself. I have never regretted anything and then blamed myself for regretting it and I have never shared my secrets with someone and then criticized him for spreading it – how can I criticize him when it has become too much for him to conceal?’
Al-Basami recited,
تبيح بسرك ضيقا به *** وتبغي لسرك من يكتم

You disclose your secret when it becomes too great,

Yet you wish to share it with one who shall conceal it.

وكتمانك السر ممن تخاف *** ومن لا تخافنه أحزم

Concealing your secret from one whom you fear,

As well as one whom you do not fear, is more resolute.
إذا ذاع سرك من مخبر *** فأنت وإن لمته ألوم

If your secret is leaked out by one whom you informed,

Then even if you blame him, you are more blameworthy.

‘Abdul-’Aziz Sulayman said:
إذا ضاق صدر المرء عن بعض سره *** فألقاه في صدري فصدري أضيق

If a person’s chest constricts due to some of his secrets

And he casts it at me, then my chest constricts more so
ومن لامني في أن أضيع سره *** وضيعه قبلي فذو السر أخرق

And whoever blames me for revealing his secret

Then he is a fool for revealing it before me!

Hammad ibn Ishaq narrated from al-Mada’ini that he said, ‘The most patient of people is the one who does not disclose his secret to his friend out of fear that something will take place between them and he in turn spreads it.’
Ibn Ishaq al-Wasiti said,
إذا المرء لم يحفظ سريرة نفسه *** وكان لسرالأخ غير كتوم

If a person does not guard his inner secrets,

And he does not safeguard his brother’s secrets,
فبعدا له من ذي أخ ومودة *** وليس على ود له بمقيم

Then how far-fetched that he will ever have a loyal brother

And love for him is something that will never last
Abu Hatim: Whoever protects himself by guarding his secrets will be able to contemplate over it fully. He will triumph with what he wishes for and also be safe from blame and harm. And even if he does not triumph or keep good ground, his resolve will allow him to place his secret in a vessel whereby he’s able to conceal it from everyone. So if his affairs tighten upon him and overwhelm him, he releases it to an advisor of his, for secrets are trusts and disclosing them is betrayal (to the one who shared it with you). The heart is only a vessel but from among vessels are that which become constricted when something is placed in them, and from them are those that are wide enough to hold what is placed in them.
Al-Muntasir ibn Bilal al-Ansari said:
سأكتمه سري وأكتم سره *** ولايغرني أني عليه كريم

I will surely make sure he guards my secret and I shall guard his

I will not be fooled by the fact that I am a noble one
حليم فيفشي أو جهول يذيعه *** وما الناس إلا جاهل وحليم

Or that he may be a forbearing one such that he’s made to spread it,

Or an ignorant one such that he betrays it

And people are not except ignorant or forbearing…
Ibn al-’Arabi [2] said:
 ‘It used to be said that the wise one is he who remains cautious of his friend.’
Abu Hatim:
 Always telling people one’s secrets will lead to incapacity and injury. If a person hides something from his rivals, it doesn’t necessitate him to tell his friends; and for the people of wisdom, what they have experienced and came to learn is sufficient for them as a lesson. Whoever is trusted with something (secret), let him conceal it and not expose it or spread it, for secrets are only named secrets because they are not spread.
Al-A’mash said (as if amazed):
 ‘The chest of one of them (people) feels constricted by his secret so he reveals it to someone and then he says, ‘Conceal it for me!’
Al-Husayn ibn ‘Abdillah:
لا يكتم السر إلا من له شرف *** والسر عند كرام الناس كتوم

None can keep a secret except a dignified one

For secrets are ever hidden by the people of nobility
السر عندي في البيت له غلق *** ضلت مفاتيحه والباب مختوم

And secrets with me are kept in a house, locked up

Whose keys are lost and its door is forever sealed
Abu Hatim said, ‘Success is in having resolve, and resolve is in having a strong and correct opinion and such an opinion can only be attained by fortifying one’s secrets. Whoever conceals his secrets, goodness will be in his hands and whoever tells people all his secrets will become lowly to them and they will spread it. Whoever cannot keep secrets will soon come to regret and whoever falls into regret will become short of intellect and whoever remains upon such a state will return to ignorance (jahl).

[1] Also reported in Hilyat al-Awliya. Hadith declared Hasan by Ibn Hibban
[2] Abu ‘Abdillah Muhammad ibn Ziyad al-Ahwal al-Kufi, known as Ibn al-’Arabi: He was hafidh al-riwayaat (used to memorise Hadith) and was knowledgeable in the Arabic Language

What Is Salafiyyah?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Author: Sheikh Ahmad bin Yahya An Najmee
(may Allah have mercy upon him)
Translator: Abu `Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee


As Salafiyyah is a connection to the Salaf. The Salaf are
companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam)
and those who follow them in good from the first three virtuous
generations and then (all those) after them (who follow them and
are upon their way).

 This is Salafiyyah.

An affiliation to Salafiyyah means (that one) affiliates (his/herself) to that which
the companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu `alahi
wasallam) were upon and the way of the people of Hadeeth. The
people of Hadeeth are those who are upon the Salafy
methodology and follow it.

As Salafiyyah is the (proper) belief in
the names and attributes of Allah, the (proper) belief in Qadar
and the (proper) belief in the Sahaabah (companions of the
Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu `alahi was sallam) and so on and so

The Salaf believe in Allah and in His beautiful names and exalted
attributes that He (Allah) has described Himself with; and that
which He was described with, by His Messenger (sallAllaahu
`alaihi wasallam). They believed in (His names and attributes) in a
manner that befits the majesty of Allah (Subhaanahu wat Ta'ala),
without distorting them, nor resembling them to the creation, nor
negating them nor explaining them with false and erroneous

They believe in Qadar the good and bad of it and that a servant's
Imaan (faith) is not complete until he believes in the Qadar that
Allah has decreed upon His Servants. Allah says,

"And verily We created everything with Qadar."
[Suratul Qamar: 49]

As far as the (proper belief with regards to the) Sahaabah, this
means the belief, that it is incumbent to be pleased with the
companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam)
and that all of them are trustworthy and that they are the best of
the Ummah and the best generation. The belief that every one of
them is trustworthy, opposes that which is believed by the Shi'ah
and the Khawaarij who considered the companions of the
Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam) to be disbelievers
and did not recognize their rights or the truth (of their noble

Salafiyyah does not have a leader other than the Messenger of
Allah (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam). The Messenger of Allah
(sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam) is the Imaam of Salafiyyah and the
example (that is to be followed). The companions of the
Messenger of Allah (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam) are (also) examples
(to be followed). The foundation (or source) of this principle
(can be found) in the statement of the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alahi

"The Jews split into seventy one groups. The Christians
split into seventy two groups. This Ummah will split into
seventy three groups; all of them will be in the fire except
one." They (the Sahaabah) said, "Who are they (that saved
group) O Messenger of Allah?"

He (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam) said: "They are the one who are upon the like of
what I and my companions are upon."
[Hadeeth collected by Imaam Abu Dawood, Imaam Ibn Maajah,
Imaam Ahmad, and Imaam Ad Daaramee. Graded hassan
saheeh by Imaam Al Albaanee]

And his (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam's) statement in the hadeeth of
Al `Irbaad bin Saariyah (radi Allahu `anhu) who described the
Prophet's (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam) sermon, and that afterwards
he (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam) advised them to fear Allah.

He (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam) said:
"I advise you to fear Allah and to listen and obey (the
Muslim ruler), even if an Ethiopian slave was to become
your ruler."

Then he (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam) ordered that his Sunnah and
the Sunnah of the rightly guided khulafaa (plural of khaleefah) be

He (sallAllaahu `alahi wasallam) said:
"Incumbent upon you is my Sunnah and the sunnah of the
rightly guided khulafaa after me, bite (hold) onto it with
your molar teeth. And beware of newly invented matters (in
the religion), for verily every newly invented matter (in the
religion) is a bid'ah and every bid'ah is a misguidance."

[Hadeeth collected by Imaam At Tirmathee, and graded saheeh
by Imaam Al Albaanee]